Review of national vocational education legislation

Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills Karen Andrews today announced a major review of the legislative framework governing the regulation of Australia’s VET sector. “I have appointed Valerie Braithwaite, Professor at the Australian National University’s School of Regulation and Global Governance, to lead the review of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act…

Locals Urged to Back Online M1 Petition

Southern Gold Coast residents are being asked to join a new push to secure funding to widen the M1 to Tugun by signing an online petition. Federal Member for McPherson, Karen Andrews, said the petition was part of her ongoing plan to put pressure on both Canberra and the State Government to ensure that funding…

The Education Legislation Amendment (Provider Integrity and Other Measures) Bill 2017 Second Reading Speech

The Education Legislation Amendment (Provider Integrity and Other Measures) Bill 2017 gives effect to greater student protection measures, and strengthens the arrangements for governing quality in the higher education and international education sectors.  This Bill is a further plank in the Turnbull Government’s ongoing efforts to protect students and taxpayers from the unscrupulous behaviour that…

Local Drug Action Team applications now open

The second round of applications are now open for local Gold Coast organisations to join the Turnbull Government’s Local Drug Action Team program.  Federal Member for McPherson, Karen Andrews, said community groups across Australia are joining forces to deliver targeted local action to help tackle drug use and addiction.  “We need to work together to…

$346 million funding boost one step closer for local schools

An additional $346 million for southern Gold Coast schools is one step closer after the Turnbull Government’s Gonski needs-based funding plan passed the House of Representatives. Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills and Federal Member for McPherson, Karen Andrews, said the Turnbull Government’s needs-based funding reforms had been endorsed by David Gonski himself and…

New online service to help thousands of training graduates

People who have undertaken nationally recognised training in Australia will now be able toquickly and easily obtain an online record of their hard-earned accomplishments and qualifications. Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, Karen Andrews, today launched the USITranscript Service which will allow training participants to easily look up their national training record. “The USI…