Regional incubators on the Southern Gold Coast will be given additional assistance to apply for the Incubator Support initiative to improve their commercial prospects.  A new regional specialist will be appointed to assist local incubators through the application process.  The Regional Innovation Facilitator will provide advice, help people develop professional networks in Australia and overseas,…

Celebrating 20 years of support for Australian Apprenticeships

This month marks 20 years of Australian Government support for apprenticeships. From 1998, when New Apprenticeship Centres were first opened, to today over 2.5 million Australian Apprentices have completed their training. Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, Karen Andrews, said this milestone represented 20 years of apprentices following their dreams.  “The apprenticeship is a…

How do we recruit students and how do we teach them? – Minerals Industry Education Summit 2018, 17 May 2018

Good morning, and thank you for the opportunity to address you here today for your education summit. It is important to ensure that students can choose the best education path to help them reach their potential and this is a priority for the Turnbull Government. I congratulate the Minerals Council of Australia on their theme…

VET a key to the future of Australian mining industry

Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills Karen Andrews today called on the mining and minerals industry to bolster its support for Australia's VET sector. Speaking at the Minerals Industry Education Summit today Minister Anrdews said Australia's minerals sector is one of the country's largest users of vocational education and training services, and the ongoing…

70 years of AMEP in Victoria and still going strong

Melbourne’s links with the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) remain strong, as preparations get underway to mark its 70th birthday. AMEP is the nation’s largest English language program, supporting 60,000 migrants each year to gain the language skills they need to work and live in Australia. Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, Karen Andrews,…