Funding extended for Skills Service Organisations

Australian industry will continue to have a strong voice in the development of modern and relevant training packages, with the Turnbull Government extending the funding arrangements for six Skills Service Organisations (SSOs).   Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, Karen Andrews, said SSOs are independent, professional service organisations that support Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) to…

Skills Squad to begin training for the “Olympics of the skills sector”

Twenty-three of the nation’s best apprentices, trainees and VET graduates have been shortlisted to the WorldSkills Australia 2018/19 Skills Squad for the opportunity to represent Australia at the WorldSkills International Championships in 2019. Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, Karen Andrews, said the 47-strong Skills Squad (which includes industry expert Training Managers), announced today,…

In community, by community, for community: preparing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students for life beyond school

Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills Karen Andrews has launched a new video series showcasing innovative education and training programs being run nation-wide helping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander secondary students successfully transition from school to work and study. At Swan View Senior High School in Western Australia, the Aboriginal Learning Engagement (ABLE) program…

In community, by community, for community: preparing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students for life beyond school

Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills Karen Andrews has launched a new video series showcasing innovative education and training programs being run nation-wide helping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander secondary students successfully transition from school to work and study. St Teresa’s College in Abergowrie, Far North Queensland caters for students from 50 remote Indigenous…

Funding for Southern Gold Coast services for financially vulnerable

Federal Member for McPherson, Karen Andrews, has called on local service providers to apply for funding to help them support financially vulnerable Australians access critical services on the Southern Gold Coast. Mrs Andrews said the Turnbull Government was providing $328 million in grant funding for community organisations to administer financial crisis assistance and education programs.…

Australia’s VET system: building on the legacy of the past, securing our future – Australian Vocational Education and Training Forum

IntroductionThank you for the opportunity to speak to you today. It is an absolute pleasure to be here today. Can I acknowledge the participants who are here today and congratulate you on your interest and passion in vocational education. And can I also acknowledge my parliamentary colleague, Senator Cameron. It is a great pleasure to…

Innovative skills partnerships between local business and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities drive economic growth

Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills Karen Andrews today attended the Banaam ‘Our Connections, Our Futures’ symposium on the Gold Coast, to discuss the economic benefits of skills and training partnerships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and local business and industry.  The symposium brought together community members from across the region with…

Banaam Our Connections, Our Futures symposium

**Check against delivery** Introduction Thank you for the invitation to attend your symposium this morning.  It’s an honour to be here to talk about the value and importance of vocational education and training, and how it can lead to meaningful and sustainable employment. I’m thrilled to be part of a regional event that is showing real innovation and…