Victorian State Election result and Federal Parliament’s final sitting fortnight of the year

TRANSCRIPT – 91.7 ABC GOLD COAST  26/11/2018 Nicole Dyer: Liberals from Victoria meeting the Prime Minister and Treasurer in Canberra today to discuss the stunning defeat, as Federal parliament enters its final sitting fortnight of the year. Joining you now is the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology, Local Coast MP andmember for McPherson Karen Andrews. Karen, Good Morning.…

Sky’s the limit for Australian Optical Astronomy

The Coalition Government has officially launched Australian Astronomical Optics (AAO), a new national optical astronomy entity.   AAO will bring together and boost Australia’s existing strengths in optical technology. The AAO will take on a commercial and industry focus, while continuing strong engagement with the global community by designing and developing equipment for world-leading facilities.  Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews…

Growing Australia’s Hydrogen Industry

A burgeoning Australian hydrogen industry is one step closer with a new partnership between CSIRO and Fortescue Metals Group. CSIRO Chief Executive Dr Larry Marshall and Fortescue Founder and Chairman Andrew Forrest AO announced the partnership in Queensland today. Minster for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews said the partnership would create more Australian jobs and new industries, as well…

Questacon’s 30th Anniversary Celebration – Canberra

I’d like to welcome you all – and thank you for coming to share in this special celebration. Questacon has a special place in our hearts as a nation. One can hardly think of the broader Australian community engaging with science, technology, engineering and mathematics without Questacon coming into the equation. This is an institution that has become synonymous with inspiring…

Boosting female founders to go global

The Coalition Government is helping female entrepreneurs access domestic and global markets with $18 million in funding through a new Boosting Female Founders Initiative. As part of the Women’s Economic Security Statement, we will support female-founded start-ups, helping them overcome barriers to the capital needed to get their ideas off the ground.   Minister for Women Kelly O’Dwyer said the new…

Power prices coming down under Morrison Government

The Morrison Government welcomes AGL’s move to lower power prices for customers on standing offers by introducing a safety net. Current standing offer prices are a ‘loyalty tax’ on those Australian families and small businesses who have stayed with their energy company or don’t have time to shop around for a better deal.  The Morrison Government strongly believes…

Innovation hubs to create 1,200 new jobs

Up to 1,200 new Australian jobs will be created, along with three Innovation Hubs around the country, in a major investment announced today by global company Infosys, a leader in Up to 1,200 new Australian jobs will be created, along with three Innovation Hubs around the country, in a major investment announced today by global company Infosys, a leader in…

Roundtable takes on gender imbalance

How to fix gender imbalances in industry and the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) will be a key issue discussed at the Industry, Innovation and Science Women’s Advisory Roundtable in Sydney today. Members of the Roundtable include prominent business leaders, academics and entrepreneurs. Chaired by the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology, Karen Andrews, the meeting is driven…

CSIRO invests $35M in Space and Artificial Intelligence

New and emerging opportunities in Space Technology and Artificial Intelligence will be supported through a $35 million investment, welcomed by the Coalition Government. Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, is adding the two new fields to its Future Science Platforms (FSP) program. Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews said the investment will help create new industries of the future,…