A greener recycling industry

The Morrison Government is taking practical steps toward a cleaner environment with a new $20 million commitment for innovative projects to grow our domestic recycling industry. Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the funding was part of his Government’s commitment to work with the states to establish a timetable to ban the export of waste plastic,…

TRANSCRIPT Interview – Channel 7 Sunrise

Topics: Plastic recycling industry, Cooperative Research Centres Projects  E&OE David Koch: $20 million is set to be spent improving our recycling industry. The Government will announce the funding today after state and territory leaders agreed to banning the export of waste at last week’s COAG meeting. Would you believe we generate 103 kilograms of plastic…

Collaborations to develop new technologies

The Morrison Government is backing Australian industry to create the jobs of the future by providing over $30 million to support the development of new technologies, including our critical minerals potential.  Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews said the Government will fund 16 projects under round 7 of the Cooperative Research Centres Projects…

Spotlight on STEM for National Science Week

Australians from all walks of life are invited to celebrate all things science and technology at more than 1,900 registered events across the country for National Science Week. Held from 10-18 August, National Science Week is the annual opportunity for Australians to meet scientists, discuss hot topics, do an experiment and celebrate the social and…

Interview – Radio National Breakfast with Patricia Karvelas

Topics: Australia-China relationship, technology roundtable, research and development tax incentives, Global Talent program E&OE Patricia Karvelas: Karen Andrews is the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology. She’ll be sitting down with the tech bosses in Sydney later today and she joins us in the RN Breakfast studio. Welcome. Karen Andrews: Good morning. Patricia Karvelas:   Now, I want to…

Backing Smart Energy Resources Projects

The Morrison Government is backing the next generation of Australian technology pioneers by locking in $2 million to help deliver the future of energy resources innovation.  The funding has been made available through NERA (National Energy Resources Australia), the Government's Industry Growth Centre for the oil, gas and energy resources sector. Minister for Industry, Science…