Boosting STEM skills in regional Queensland

The Morrison Government today launched a new initiative to boost science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) mentoring in regional Queensland. Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews said the Industry Mentoring Network in STEM (IMNIS) initiative would strengthen industry research connections and collaboration in regional Queensland. “Promoting STEM education is a passion of mine…

SPEECH – Address to the American Chamber of Commerce in Australia – Sydney

Thank you for your kind invitation to participate in the Chamber’s Meet the Minister Series. For many years the Chamber has been at the forefront of promoting trade and investment between our countries. So many businesses owe their success to this Chamber and the contacts, advice and insider knowledge it provides. I‘d like to start…

Tasmania links up with Australian Space Agency

Tasmania will benefit from job-creating investment as the Morrison and Hodgman governments work together to advance the state’s space industry, today signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Federal Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews said the signing is an important step in integrating the work of the Australian Space Agency with Tasmanian efforts and capability. “The…

TRANSCRIPT Doorstop – Memorandum of Understanding between Australian Space Agency and Tasmanian Government

Topics: Tasmanian space industry, Australian Space Agency, Blue Economy CRC Speakers: The Hon Karen Andrews MP, Federal Minister for Industry, Science and Technology The Hon Will Hodgman MP, Tasmanian Premier The Hon Michael Ferguson MP, Tasmanian Minister for Science and Technology Mr Anthony Murfett, Deputy Head of the Australian Space Agency E&OE Will Hodgman: Karen…