TRANSCRIPT Interview – ABC Adelaide

Topics: US trip and the Australian space sector E&OE: David Bevan: Karen Andrews is the Minister- the Federal Minister for Industry, Science and Technology which basically means she looks after space and she’s in Washington and she’s spruiking South Australia. Good morning Karen Andrews. Karen Andrews: Good morning, how are you? David Bevan: Very well.…

Space agreements boost international collaboration

The Morrison Government is continuing to develop opportunities for Australian businesses to create jobs in the space sector, with the Australian Space Agency signing agreements with three international space agencies and a major industry player. The agreements with the German Aerospace Centre, Italian Space Agency, New Zealand Space Agency and Maxar Technologies were signed alongside…

TRANSCRIPT Interview – ABC News Breakfast

Topics: Australia’s space sector, meeting with the NASA Boss at 70th International Astronautical Congress in Washington DC and Nationals party leadership. E&OE:  Madeleine Morris: Let’s head to the US now, where Australia’s Science Minister is meeting the head of NASA and other space industry heads. Karen Andrews is hoping to discuss ways we can help revisit…

New centre accelerates manufacturing innovation

CSIRO has today opened a new state-of-the-art, collaborative centre which will improve chemical processes and drive innovation in Australian manufacturing businesses. The FloWorks Centre for Industrial Flow Chemistry is the first of its kind in Australia and brings speed, scale and efficiency to industrial applications that rely on chemistry. Minister for Industry, Science and Technology…