Dear Resident,
Investment in infrastructure is important. But it has to benefit local residents.
As you know, I have deep concerns about the proposed Stage 4 of Gold Coast Light Rail.
I’ve worked with the local community to make sure the State Government is well aware of those concerns and takes them seriously.
And I’ve long held the view that the State Government must engage with the community.
I’ve spoken to a lot of people and I’ve not met one local resident who thinks that reducing the Gold Coast Highway to one lane each way to accommodate Light Rail is a good idea.
We cannot risk damaging local businesses, creating longer-term traffic issues and impacting the amenity of those living on side streets with a route through Burleigh Hill, Palm Beach and Currumbin that just doesn’t work for our community.
Our way of life on the southern Gold Coast, and especially our unique environment, must be preserved – and any infrastructure project must support and enhance it.
I have written to the Federal Minister for Urban Infrastructure Paul Fletcher to ask that no federal funding be directed to this project as it stands.
Be assured I stand with you in opposing further extensions of the light rail unless it is fit-for-purpose.
I know that public transport is needed – and I’ll be focused on how the Federal Government can help ensure the extension of the heavy rail from Varsity is progressed as soon as possible.
With your support, we can stop Stage 4 from destroying the southern Gold Coast.
Yours sincerely,
Karen Andrews
Federal Member for McPherson