High-quality training providers that wish to be involved in the Australian Government’s VET Student Loans (VSL) program are invited to apply for the third formal application round which is now open.
Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, Karen Andrews, said the VSL program, with its stronger focus on quality, was helping restore the integrity of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector.
“VSL is an essential component in the Australian Government’s work to improve quality, restore trust in our VET sector and provide Australians with real skills for real careers,” Minister Andrews said.
“The strengthened framework of VSL provides greater protection and value for money to both students and taxpayers.
“This includes loan caps on courses, stronger course eligibility criteria that aligns with industry needs, mandatory student engagement measures and a stronger focus on students successfully completing courses.”
Under VSL, loans are offered to eligible students for qualifications at a diploma level and above, with a cap on the amount of the loan.
“This follows the latest figures showing completion rates are significantly higher under VSL than the failed VET FEE-HELP scheme, which is encouraging to see,” Minister Andrews said.
Applications close on 22 October 2018, with an information session in Canberra on August 27.
Information about how to apply to become a VET Student Loans provider, including details on the information session, can be found at https://www.education.gov.au/vet-student-loans/vet-student-loans-applicants