Training organisations, businesses, schools and individuals with a great story to tell about Vocational Education and Training (VET) are urged to apply for the nation’s preeminent training awards.
Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, Karen Andrews, said time was running out for direct entries into the Australian Training Awards, which close on May 31.
“We want all Australians to know of the inspirational success stories about VET and how it can provide real skills for real careers,” Minister Andrews said.
“This is an opportunity to showcase the individuals who are on their way to a successful career or a training provider that’s gone above and beyond.
“In particular, I urge employers who have excelled in the training of their staff to consider an application.”
Winner of the 2017 Australian Apprenticeships – Employer Award, SA Power Networks, said their investment in training resulted in lower injury rates and higher employee retention rates.
“Our win validated our investment in training and our safety standards,” SA Power Network’s Angela Corker said.
“It makes you more attractive as an employer of choice and enhances your reputation.”
The Australian Training Awards will be held in Sydney at the International Convention Centre on 15 November.
For more information and to apply, visit