The flexibility and benefits of the Australian Vocational Educational and Training system will
be promoted at a two-day Careers Festival on the Gold Coast beginning tomorrow.
Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, Karen Andrews, said events like this
play an important role in helping attendees choose a career that is right for them.
“It is a common misconception that apprenticeships and traineeships can only be completed for careers like plumbing and carpentry. What people don’t know is that there are many careers that offer on the job training which come with a pay packet at the same time,” Minister Andrews said.
“There are VET courses and training for a huge range of careers that includes business, marketing, accounting, agriculture, engineering, health and a lot more.
“Selecting a career that suits your skills and interests can be daunting. These events are so important because they give people the information they need to make informed choices about their future.
“Apprenticeships are a critical part of the Government’s plan to build a highly skilled and qualified workforce that will drive productivity and innovation,” Minister Andrews said.
“Attendees at the Careers Festival will learn firsthand how the VET and apprenticeship system act as an ‘Education Highway’. You can get on or off a highway at different points, but a job in one of the many trades where skills are in demand is always a quality destination.”
Minister Andrews said the Australian Government is committed to boosting apprenticeship commencements and completions and has created a range of support networks to do this.
The Australian Apprenticeship Support Network is a $189 million investment to support apprentices and employers, to help them make well-informed career decisions and stay engaged until their apprenticeship is complete.
Trade Support Loans are providing apprentices with flexible financial support. More than 49,000 Trade Support Loans have been accessed in two years.
In 2015–16, almost 52,000 employers received payments through the Australian Apprenticeship
Incentive Program.