The ongoing role of Group Training Organisations (GTOs) in revitalising the Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) has been a focus at the 2018 Apprentice Employment Network NSW & ACT Skills Conference in Darling Harbour, NSW.
Speaking at the Skills Conference, Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, Karen Andrews MP said GTOs work to recruit, employ and support apprentices and trainees, and have a vital role to play in reinvigorating the VET sector.
“GTOs employ around 23,000 Australian apprentices and trainees and place them across 100,000 host employers, nation-wide,” Minister Andrews said.
“One particular benefit that apprentices gain from group training is that they are rotated among host employers to enhance the quality and range of their training experiences.
“GTOs are great contributors to the promotion of VET and encourage employment growth, which are important as the Turnbull Government seeks to halt the decline in apprenticeship numbers and to return confidence to the sector.
“The Turnbull Government is working to ensure that every aspect of the training system is geared to equipping Australians with the skills they need to succeed, and to provide businesses with the job-ready, qualified workforce they need to thrive.”
The Government’s Revised National Standards for Group Training Organisations introduced in 2017, ensure apprentices, trainees and host employers receive consistent, quality support services from GTOs Australia-wide.
Minister Andrews said the success of the Apprenticeship Employment Network of Victoria’s Multi Industry Project (MIP), which the Government has supported with funding worth $6.82 million, is a good case in point.
“The MIP is a school-based and pre-apprenticeship support project that gives young people the chance to trial a range of vocational occupations over 6-12 months,” Minister Andrews said.
“Giving students an opportunity to take a trade for a test-run open their eyes to the career paths in front of them and show that VET is a pathway to real skills for real careers.
“Over 2000 young people have either participated in the program or registered to participate, with 556 of these being from NSW and the ACT.
“Each participant gets hands on experience in three to four different industries and acquires knowledge on relevant legislation, regulations, environmental issues, literacy and numeracy skills, occupational pathways and career opportunities.”