More of the Gold Coast’s youngest minds will get the opportunity to learn a foreign language with an expansion to the Early Learning Languages Australia (ELLA) program.
ELLA uses a play-based digital application to teach preschool children a second language.
Local MP Karen Andrews said the expansion of the ELLA program into more preschools and primary schools will give many more Gold Coast kids an opportunity to learn a language.
“The Morrison Government is providing an additional $11.8 million to expand the ELLA program into more preschools and establish a trial in foundation to year two classrooms,” Mrs Andrews said.
“Equipping our children with language skills can provide them with a boost for life. Students who have learned a second language are known to perform better in literacy and numeracy during their schooling. ”
“Around 81 preschools on Gold Coast are among the almost 2,500 preschools currently participating in the program across Australia.”
“I encourage all preschools and primary schools across the Gold Coast to find out more information about the ELLA program and take up this opportunity to add the program to their teaching plans.”
The Coalition Government has provided $27.5 million to the ELLA program since 2014.
More information on the trial, including expressions of interest, is at