Australia’s space industry is continuing to take off under the Morrison Government, with the launch of the first rocket powered by Australian-made fuel. Queensland company Black Sky Aerospace has developed a process to manufacture solid-state rocket fuel – successfully using it for a launch in outback Queensland earlier this month. The project received co-funding and…

Transcript – National Press Club Address Q&A

Topics: coronavirus, Australian manufacturing, supply chains E&OE Sabra Lane: Thank you Karen Andrews in delivering your first National Press Club address. As you point out, Australia has experienced a major disruption in global supply chains here and it’s been a wakeup call for businesses, and we appear to be paying a price for leading the…

TRANSCRIPT Interview – Sky News First Edition

Topics: Australian manufacturing capability, supply chains and contact tracing app E&OE: Peter Stefanovic: The Federal Government is working on bolstering the manufacturing sector after admitting the coronavirus pandemic has exposed Australia’s reliance on overseas supply chains. The Industry Minister says we need to be self-sufficient in making essential medical supplies like face masks and ventilators.…