Shadow Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews – Transcript – ABC Afternoon Briefing 1 March 2023

Subjects: Superannuation, Benbrika, Temporary Protection Visas GREG JENNETT: On superannuation tax concessions, the Shadow Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews joined us from the Gold Coast on that and some national security issues that the Albanese government will also probably have to act on after a significant high court case involving a notorious terrorist is resolved.…

Transcript – ABC Afternoon Briefing

Subjects: Deporting criminals, gender quotas, biosecurity measures for foot and mouth disease, incoming passenger declarations GREG JENNETT: Shadow Home Affairs Minister Karen Andrews joins us now from the Gold Coast. Karen Andrews thanks for joining us. Can I start with something that’s kind of developed late this afternoon? Extra biosecurity measures are being put in…


Subjects: Chinese vessel off the coast of Australia; launch of the Coalition’s strong border protection policies; strong position of the LNP in Queensland. EO&E………………………………………………………… GREG JENNETT: Home Affairs Minister and Member for McPherson on the Gold Coast, Karen Andrews; welcome to Afternoon Briefing. What don’t we start with this matter we just heard the Defence Minister…