Topics: Essential work at Parliament House, AFP arrest of a man for impersonating a Commonwealth official, COVID-19 vaccine rollout. NEIL BREEN: Every Wednesday, I speak to the Home Affairs Minister and the MP for McPherson on the Gold Coast, Karen Andrews. She’s a Cabinet Minister as well. She joins me on the line. Good morning…

TRANSCRIPT Interview – ABC – 7.30

Topics: Conduct in Parliament House E&OE: Leigh Sales: Minister, thanks for your time tonight. Karen Andrews: Pleasure. Leigh Sales: You said in an interview earlier today that you’ve had an absolute gutful of the workplace culture in Parliament House. What specifically have you had a gutful of? Karen Andrews: Look, I’ve had a gutful of…

TRANSCRIPT Interview – ABC Gold Coast Breakfast

Topics: Parliament sitting, border restrictions, COVID misinformation E&OE: Tom Forbes: Travel restrictions, quarantine, the pandemic is a real spanner in the works for anyone who usually travels interstate for work or for personal reasons. Nicole Dyer: And one group of frequent travellers are of course our federal politicians. Tom Forbes: Queensland Health chief officer has…