On Wednesday, 15 January 2020 the Hon Karen Andrews MP, Minister for Industry, Science and Technology, hosted a roundtable meeting of top scientists and experts to work together in response to the devastating bushfires. Minister Andrews highlighted that disaster response, recovery and resilience activities should be informed by multi-disciplinary research. Bushfire research, as well as…

TRANSCRIPT Interview – ABC Radio National Breakfast

Topics: Bushfire Science Roundtable, climate change E&OE Tom Tilley: Australia’s top science leaders and bushfire experts are gathering in Canberra today to help the Morrison Government thrash out a plan to deal with longer and more severe bushfire seasons. Representatives from the CSIRO, the Academy of Science, the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC will share…

TRANSCRIPT Interview – ABC News 24

Topics: Bushfire Science Roundtable, climate change E&OE Joe O’Brien: The role of science and technology in fighting and reducing the risk of bushfires will be addressed by experts in Canberra today. Science Minister Karen Andrews will meet representatives from the CSIRO, the Academy of Science, along with bushfire researchers. She says today’s roundtable will be…