2018 VET CEO Conference – 18 May 2018

Good morning and thank you for the opportunity to address your conference today. It is great to see the focus of today’s CEO conference is ‘what goes into owning and managing a successful RTO’.  As we, all know in any business, success does not just happen. Many different factors need to be considered by Registered…


70 years of AMEP in Victoria and still going strong

Melbourne’s links with the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) remain strong, as preparations get underway to mark its 70th birthday. AMEP is the nation’s largest English language program, supporting 60,000 migrants each year to gain the language skills they need to work and live in Australia. Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, Karen Andrews,…


VET a key to the future of Australian mining industry

Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills Karen Andrews today called on the mining and minerals industry to bolster its support for Australia's VET sector. Speaking at the Minerals Industry Education Summit today Minister Anrdews said Australia's minerals sector is one of the country's largest users of vocational education and training services, and the ongoing…


Labor’s failure on Vocational Education and Training

Do not listen to Labor. Bill Shorten and the Labor Government have their facts wrong again. The Coalition has not cut one single cent from TAFE funding. Funding of TAFE has always been the responsibility of States and Territories. Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, Karen Andrews MP said, if Labor is so committed…


Matter of Public Importance: TAFE – 10 May 2018

If Labor is ever returned to government in this country, God help vocational education. They have the most appalling record in vocational education. I am very happy to stand here today and take you through, in detail, what they have done to bring this sector to its knees. Labor's record in vocational education, when in…



Great news for our many local school communities enriched by the work of School Chaplains! As part of this week’s Federal Budget, our Government has delivered an extra $247 million to continue our strong support for the National School Chaplaincy Programme. This funding means school chaplains can continue to provide pastoral care and run programs…


2018 Australian Training Awards – Recognition of Excellence

For 25 years, the Australian Training Awards have paid tribute to excellence in Australia’s vocational education and training sector by showcasing people, businesses and organisations who have invested in real skills for real careers Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, Karen Andrews MP, today called for applications for the country’s preeminent award   program. “The…
