When asked yesterday about his border protection policies, Anthony Albanese said he supported Temporary Protection Visas (TPVs), before being shamed into another humiliating clarification that in fact Labor has never supported them.
This fumble comes on the back of comments last week that “turning boats back means you don’t need offshore detention”.
‘Amateur Albo’ is so out of his depth he doesn’t even know his own policies. This is the third backflip on border protection within just the first week of the election campaign.
He has a dangerous lack of understanding about what it takes to protect our borders and it’s clear he does not understand Operation Sovereign Borders (OSB). We can’t afford any uncertainly when it comes to our borders – demonstrating what a risk Albanese would be to our national security.
The Coalition Government ended Labor’s border chaos using the three policy pillars of OSB:
- Turn-backs where safe to do so;
- Regional processing; and,
- Temporary Protection Visas.
All three pillars are essential. Mr Albanese likes to try and fudge the figures, but the numbers on Labor’s record on border security are clear:
More than 50,000 people arrived under Labor on 820 boats, with 1,200 tragic deaths at sea – that we know about.
The people smugglers trust Mr Albanese to put them back in business, but the Australian people know he can’t be trusted to protect our borders.
Labor has no plan on border security. Just like they have no plan for the economy.