Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills and Federal Member for McPherson Karen Andrews has proposed a compromise solution to the discussion over what date we should
celebrate Australia Day.
“I propose we make the last Friday in January our national day in a move that could benefit all sides in the debate,” Mrs Andrews said.
“It would mean we remember the significance of the month of January in our country’s history. It
was a January when we became a federated nation and when the first fleet arrived.
“Having Australia Day on the last Friday in January would guarantee a long weekend every year, rather than midweek like it was this year that led to many people throwing a “sickie”.
“However, the Australian Chamber of Commerce and industry believe that the extra sick leave day could cost Australian businesses up to $62 million,” Mrs Andrews said.
“Australia is a wonderful place to live, we are culturally diverse, welcoming and most importantly inclusive. Every Australian loves a long weekend so maybe it is time to make Australia Day a
fluid date.
“The effect on the education sector would be minimal as well. The majority of the school calendars around the nation have the first week of term starting the week after Australia
day, with only Queensland and the Northern Territory starting the week earlier.
“The art of compromise is often lost during the heat of a national debate. On the question of which day we should celebrate Australia Day, a compromise seems an ideal solution,” Mrs
Andrews said.