Speeches to G20 Labour and Employment Conference – BAD NEUENAHR, GERMANY May 18 & 19

LEAD REMARKS at the working breakfast on youth employment & quality apprenticeships Thank you chair for the opportunity to speak this morning. I would like to highlight some of the strategies Australia has implemented since 2015 to improve youth employment outcomes, and work towards the G20 youth goal. While we have seen some improvements to…

CONSTITUENCY STATEMENTS – McPherson Electorate: McPherson Community Achiever Awards

This week is National Volunteer Week, and I thought it fitting that in today's debate I acknowledge the tremendous job that so many volunteers do in my southern Gold Coast community. These are the people who are the backbone of various charities, sporting clubs, community and advocacy groups, RSLs, chambers of commerce and other social…

Higher Education Support Legislation Amendment (A More Sustainable, Responsive and Transparent Higher Education System) Bill 2017

The Higher Education Support Legislation Amendment (A More Sustainable, Responsive and Transparent Higher Education System) Bill 2017 gives effect to decisions announced in the budget that reform the ways in which the Australian government supports higher education.  It will support the Australian government's goal for a stronger, more sustainable and student-focused system that preserves and…


Good Morning and can I say what a great pleasure it is to be with you this morning. I thank you for inviting me here to talk about the new way forward for vocational education and training announced in last night’s federal budget. The Turnbull Government has made an unprecedented, ongoing commitment to skilling Australians.…

Boosting and supporting apprenticeships on the Gold Coast

A new $1.5 billion Skilling Australians Fund announced by the Turnbull Government will provide new opportunities for local jobseekers, students and industry on the Gold Coast. Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills and Federal Member for McPherson, Karen Andrews, said the Government is also establishing a $60 million Industry Specialist Mentoring for Australian Apprentices…

New resources showcase high-quality VET in secondary schools

Schools, training providers, parents and students will benefit from a series of new videos and case studies that highlight best practise in delivering vocational education and training (VET) in secondary schools. Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills Karen Andrews said the resources, available from today on the Preparing Secondary Students for Work (PSSFW) website,…